Assignment - Map an occupation to a class that contains a First name last name and phone number. Use Treemap class. Extend TreeMap class with boolean inThere(Object o) and printValue(Object o) From client you should be able to : 1. Get phone for worker 2. Add or replace a worker 3. Delete a worker 4. Print occupations on file ********************************** import java.util.TreeMap; class TreeMapHelper extends TreeMap { boolean inThere(Object key) {if (get(key)==null) return false; return true; } void printValue(Object key) {if (containsKey(key)) {data d = (data)get(key); System.out.println(d.getFirst() + " " + d.getLast() + " " + d.getPhone()); } } } ********************************* import*; import java.util.Set; public class treemaptester {static public input in = new input(); public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {TreeMapHelper t = new TreeMapHelper(); String s,f,l,te; int x = 0; while (x != 5) {System.out.println("1. Get phone for worker "); System.out.println("2. Add or replace a worker "); System.out.println("3. Delete a worker "); System.out.println("4. Print occupations on file "); x = in.getInt(); if (x ==1) {System.out.println("Enter occupation"); s = in.getString(); if (t.inThere(s)) t.printValue(s); else System.out.println("None of those yet "); } if (x==2) {System.out.println("Enter occupation "); s =in.getString(); System.out.println("Enter First name "); f =in.getString(); System.out.println("Enter Last name "); l =in.getString(); System.out.println("Enter telephone"); te=in.getString(); data d = new data(f,l,te); t.put(s,d); } if (x==3) {System.out.println("Enter occupation "); s=in.getString(); t.remove(s); // although remove not in TreeMap AP subset } if (x==4) {System.out.println(t.keySet()); } } while (x != 5); } }